티스토리 뷰

Photo/Photo 2020

[Photo][LG]Capture autumn with LGWing - ShotonLGWing

가지가지하는 부부 - do variety 2020. 10. 23. 17:23

Hello. After completing today's medical examination, I walked home and looked around with the LG Wing. Mainly, to check the performance of 2x Crop zoom, I tried shooting at 2x as much as possible.


Moment capture

While walking along Ohgeumgyo, take out the cell phone to quickly catch a flock of birds, and double-click the button under the volume key. Secure camera opens right away and you can shoot.

I love the way I open it with a double button under the volume key and immediately press the key to shoot. (Power key is also possible.-Just turn it on in settings)

ISO 100, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/1300, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Autumn, nature? city?

Below, you can see the maple-colored grass and trees in the surrounding environment, and the ladies clothes with a similar feeling. Behind the scenes, there is a contrasting feeling of the desolate forest of buildings in the city center.

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/971, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Autumn, nature? city?

Likewise, it's a contrast between the coolness of the city center and the warmth of nature and cyclists.

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/725, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Capture the moment

When I cross the bridge, I try to capture it again. I am very satisfied with the camera running time and the picture without blurring.

Coldness under the bridge

The promotional text is impressive

ISO 100, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/120, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Coming and going


It is a Guro underpass that has existed since then, but it is in a clean and maintained state. It was dark and dim before, but now it feels very tidy. The footsteps of the people coming and going look busy.

ISO 200, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/40, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

There is a way. There is no way.

Ohgeumgyo Bridge is not suitable for sidewalks. If you barely walk on the next driveway, you will see a staircase that goes up the bridge. It is a place that needs improvement. The bridge between Mokdong and Guro

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/400, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

landing? take-off?

This is the plane entering Gimpo Airport and landing. The contrast between the color of the autumn leaves and the darkness of the building is sharp.

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/2300, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Reconstruction, safety diagnosis

Mokdong Apartment is undergoing reconstruction diagnosis. You can see that this is the part that reveals the old exterior of the apartment.

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/120, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

go back? turn right?

There are many one-way roads in the Mokdong apartment complex. The color of the sign indicating a one-way, one-way road rather than two-way is clearly visible.

ISO 50, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/180, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (52mm for 35mm)

Peek? Pick?

You can see the true scenery of Mokdong Apartment at 10pm, with buses on the top and mother's cars on the bottom to take the child who ends up at the academy.

ISO 450, EV 0.0, F1.8, SS 1/15, WB Auto, focal length 5.58 (26mm for 35mm)

So far, you have seen the contents of the 2x zoom-related shooting taken with the LG Wing. In the future, I will post with various shots such as day/night.

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